Rescue divers need a global rescue alert system, following failed Sea Story incident

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Could there have been a better outcome if dive boats and rescue divers are connected to a global alerts system? Can there be an app for that? How about a Whatsapp or Telegram chat group (international and country based) so that rescue divers the world over can get a call and rescue when in need? What diving group wants to start such an initiative? 

The post Rescue divers need a global rescue alert system, following failed Sea Story incident appeared first on Green Prophet.

Balena Stella McCartney

When Crocs first came into being, I had already owned a prototype pair of foam-injected slides from Italy. I thought they were the best invention since sliced cheese, until the soles wore out. Crocs were never my look, but the idea of a compostable, injectable foamy plastic is. Enter Balena.

They have worked with a number of fashion brands, as we point out here, and now Stella McCartney.

Their compostable, recyclable, and biobased material embodies the shared vision between Balena and Stella McCartney: a future where innovation meets circularity to create truly sustainable design.

This collaboration is a milestone for Balena and for the future of materials.

Kitty Shukman

Kitty Shukman

“It’s proof of how far we’ve come and how much further we can go together,” says Balena founder David Roubach:

“When I started Balena, one of my dreams was to collaborate with Stella McCartney—a true pioneer in sustainable fashion. Today, I’m proud to share that this dream has become a reality. Our groundbreaking material, BioCir® Flex, is now featured in Stella McCartney’s S-Wave Sport trainers, part of her Autumn 2025 collection.

Read more about Balena here.

The post Stella McCartney chooses Balena for upcycled foamy fashion appeared first on Green Prophet.